Been Too Long

Some of you may have noticed that I have been away for a few months. I had not planned the hiatus, things have just been a bit more hectic than I anticipated since the fall. Unfortunately I have been otherwise occupied with major changes at work and things at home. Luckily, the changes at the office are almost complete and I will be trying to spend more time here and with my books. I have been so far out of touch recently with the literary world that I have become embarrassed about how little I know of upcoming new releases I have a few pending reviews from the past several months which are sitting waiting to be completed and posted. I will try my best to get these up over the next two months. Things should begin stabilizing in March and I should be back to a more normal update schedule, and life in general. Hopefully then I can get back to more topical reviews and work on getting more advanced reviews so you can read about them early. Until then some of my reviews will be a bit dated. I have been contemplating a move in the spring as well, but as I have not began seriously looking, I cannot see that this will impact anything quite yet.

Thank you for bearing with me.

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